I was reading the latest issue of Runner's World {more like devouring it the second I got home after picking up the package my parents sent with Chevi, which consisted of 1 December issue of Runner's World, a freezer bag filled with Clif Bars and 9 postcards with yours trully waving to the crowd - my mom - as I finished the marathon and captured by the marathon photgraphers(!!)} and I came across an article called Get Fired Up and the article interviewed all different types of people who live different lifestyles but share the same interest in running and began to analyze what motivates each person to continue to wake up or go to sleep really late just so that they can get in that much needed run. It all boils down to the fact that you have to want to run as opposed to thinking that you need to run and then everything else will fall into place. Obviously there are aspects that motivate us to want to run. They are competence, relatedness and autonomy. I guess all 3 motivate me to run.
Competence meaning that you started at a certain point a certain way and over time you improve to become a better runner. Check. I now enjoy sprinting up hills.
Relatedness is the feeling of belonging to something greater and being part of a community, of runners. Check. I feel part of a community of runners, especially during races but if you asked my non-running friends they would say I'm part of a community of crazies :)
Autonomy is being in control of your running destiny, its up to you if you are going to run today and no one will give you slack about it except your conscience. Check. I am in control of my own destiny, I guess. I chose to sign up for the Jerusalem Marathon and therefore I am following a certain training schedule where I have to do what it says or I won't feel so competent anymore.
All technical terms aside, I like the way I feel after a run and even sometimes during a run and that is what keeps me running.

Until next time.