We are at the end of the first decade of the new millenium. What have you accomplished in the last 10 years? I am happy to say that I have accomplished alot, at least I think so. First, I survived and graduated high school, that was pretty easy. I moved to Israel, also pretty easy, when you just jump with your eyes closed and only open them years later :). I have travelled the world, not all of it, but there's still time. I have been to Hong Kong, New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, France, Budapest, Prague and Italy. I have gone to school for higher education and have built a nice niche for myself and my profession here in Jerusalem. I'm a personal trainer, masseuse, hydrotherapist and am studying Chinese medicine. I have participated in many charity events, be it through running, biking or just raising awareness. In 2010, I dedicated my running to myself. I chose a goal and worked towards it in a way to better myself and not for the benefit of anyone else. It may seem selfish, but for me it was the right thing to do. I enjoyed every moment of my training in 2010. No matter how tired I was, how hot it was outside, how many annoying questions I was asked, in the end it was all worth it. To actually say that I have run a marathon is a great accomplishment and I am proud of it. I'm actually sorry that I didn't start this blog 10 years ago, I would have loved to know what my New Year's resolution was for 2000 and onwards. I doubt I would have thought that I would accomlish all I have these last 10 years. Hell, who am I kidding, I was the laziest person I knew back then, I had been to Israel once in my life and was iffy about the whole Aliyah aspect AND I wanted to be an architect and live in California.
The definition of resolution that I find the most fitting for me right now is: "The fineness of detail that can be distinguished in an image". I wish that we would be able to have the clearest of resolution on the image of the next 10 years of our lives. It would certainly make life easier but it would also take the adventure and fun out of what we will experience. Uncertainty is what makes us continue on the journey called life. My resolution for the years to come is a simple one. To always remember that there is a reason for everything, not to get caught up in the small annoying details and to focus on the positive.
Oh, and to run another marathon or 3, of course.
Here is a link to an article about easing back into running after a lay off. I have decided to sit the Jerusalem Marathon out this year. I was training but it was not fun and running is supposed to be fun. I will run the 1/2 marathon and if it doesn't rain tomorrow, eh, even if its raining tomorrow, Danielle and I will be running to the forest in the morning (yay!). So, with a smile and a grimace we will run up hills and I will enjoy the journey only once its over, but at least I know that I will enjoy it.
To a new decade of running, enjoying life, new experiences and to health.
'Till next time, in 2011.
A blog recording the ups and downs of training for a marathon and the races along the way.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
There are days when its too cold in my room to get out of bed in the early hours of the morning, how am I expected to want to run on those mornings, or evenings for that matter? When I've been working all day and am just getting in the door after leaving 12 hrs earlier... There are days when I push off the run as much as I can and there are other days when I find a window of opportunity and run on it. I always feel better when I'm done with the run and sometimes even while I'm still running. I guess amnesia goes both ways, for forgetting the good and the bad of running. When I was done with the marathon I said, sure I can do another one! Now that I'm training for one again I ask myself, why?? I'm hoping that on one of my longer runs this week the answer will come to me. I haven't found one that I am satisfied with that really is my source of motivation.
So I ask you, those out there in cyberspace who actually read this: "Where do you get your motivation from?"
Till next time,
Please check out my website: http://www.rachelshealthandfitness.com/
So I ask you, those out there in cyberspace who actually read this: "Where do you get your motivation from?"
Till next time,
Please check out my website: http://www.rachelshealthandfitness.com/
Thursday, December 16, 2010
It's that time of year again...
Except here in Israel we don't really get winter. Until last week I was still wearing short sleeves and would never even consider going out for a run when there was still daylight. Then Chanukah came and along with it an insane fire up in the Carmel that killed 42 people and displaced hundreds. It took 4 days to control and finally extinguish the fire but not without the help of our neighbors and friends all over the world. That is when the rain came. After the fire was out. A lot of people ask why the rain couldn't have shown up a week earlier and then we wouldn't have had a fire at all. I say its god's way of teaching us a lesson, that we shouldn't take anything for granted and know that life isn't in our hands. There is a bigger picture that we aren't supposed to see but just have faith that it will all be alright. After the rain came the wind. In some places it was 120 km/h. I don't know how strong it was in Jerusalem but it was really hard to walk across the street without being afraid a tree would fall on you or a cow would come flying over the building and knock you over. I contemplated going out for a run, and instead opted for the treadmill option. I ran a nice tempo run but I should have been running a long run of 16km. Now I'm glad that it has started to be a bit cooler and that the rain is filling the Kinneret back up and watering the ground so that our country can look a lot nicer, but I don't appreciate it when the weather and other circumstances mess with my training schedule, especially in the 1st week.
I don't consider myself a control freak or someone who gets uptight about little things but I do believe that when it comes to a training schedule, especially for a marathon, every run is important especially if you have doubts about the outcome, like I do. Danielle might think that I had a nervous breakdown and she may be right about that but I'm not so sure... I just got annoyed and worried and nervous about maybe not being able to pull off this next run which is in a little less than 4 months. My speed workouts and tempo runs are going great. The long runs are what seems to be the hurdle I need to get over. You would think that after running a marathon any run that is shorter would be a piece of cake, but they aren't. I think I have to sleep more and I won't be as tired or lacking the motivation to go out in the cold and run for 2 hours. This week's long run wasn't so successful. I tried to run on the treadmill but I was sooooo bored and couldn't finish the 16km for many reasons that I won't get into but after running 6 I called it a night and did some weight training and abs. The next worning I woke up a 5am to run a 10km and watch the sunrise, before going to work and then school. It was nice a crisp morning and thankfully I have a great jacket and gloves to keep me warm, making the hour and the feat a lot easier. I still ran my needed weekly mileage so I should be happy about that, and I am, I'm just hoping that from here on out, I can keep to my Sunday, Wednesday, Friday schedule of long run, speed work and tempo runs. Of course Runner's World has a video about running long runs on the treadmill when the weather doesn't allow the sane to run outside. I thought that all marathoners were in-sane but I guess not.
I don't consider myself a control freak or someone who gets uptight about little things but I do believe that when it comes to a training schedule, especially for a marathon, every run is important especially if you have doubts about the outcome, like I do. Danielle might think that I had a nervous breakdown and she may be right about that but I'm not so sure... I just got annoyed and worried and nervous about maybe not being able to pull off this next run which is in a little less than 4 months. My speed workouts and tempo runs are going great. The long runs are what seems to be the hurdle I need to get over. You would think that after running a marathon any run that is shorter would be a piece of cake, but they aren't. I think I have to sleep more and I won't be as tired or lacking the motivation to go out in the cold and run for 2 hours. This week's long run wasn't so successful. I tried to run on the treadmill but I was sooooo bored and couldn't finish the 16km for many reasons that I won't get into but after running 6 I called it a night and did some weight training and abs. The next worning I woke up a 5am to run a 10km and watch the sunrise, before going to work and then school. It was nice a crisp morning and thankfully I have a great jacket and gloves to keep me warm, making the hour and the feat a lot easier. I still ran my needed weekly mileage so I should be happy about that, and I am, I'm just hoping that from here on out, I can keep to my Sunday, Wednesday, Friday schedule of long run, speed work and tempo runs. Of course Runner's World has a video about running long runs on the treadmill when the weather doesn't allow the sane to run outside. I thought that all marathoners were in-sane but I guess not.
I kind of wish it would snow, I like running in the snow.
Until next time,
Friday, December 3, 2010
Voodoo Chile?
You know that I am a Runner's World junkie and that I worship the paper they publish on, but when it comes to boredom at work, I turn to their website, which is just as satisfying. Since I study Chinese Medicine and eventually want to open a sports acupuncture clinic (lightyears from here and now) I thought it would be cool to see what the experts at Runner's World had to say about alternative therapies. I believe that acupuncture and herbs can be just as efficient as preventative medicine as it is for healing injuries but all I found was an article on Natural Cures for Running Injuries. I will keep on looking and maybe I will send the Magazine some proof that it can be helpful... :)
Here is an exerpt from the article which you can read in length by clicking on the title above.
The Promise: This ancient Chinese practice involves inserting fine needles in specific areas of the body to improve circulation, restore energy, and promote healing, says Patricia Piant, an acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist at Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Integrative Medicine Program in Glenview, Illinois.
The Science: Research has been controversial, due to the difficulty of creating a placebo effect with needles. But studies have shown that acupuncture stimulates endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, and also increases range of motion.
Who Should Try It: In 1996, the World Health Organization issued a report on the efficacy of acupuncture, saying that it could benefit patients with knee pain, plantar fasciitis, sprains, lower-back pain, and osteoarthritis.

Herbal Remedies
The Promise: Proponents of herbal therapies say that the phytochemicals in plant-based supplements enhance the body's ability to heal itself--rather than just masking symptoms--and can treat muscle and joint pain and swelling.
The Science: Herbal supplements don't undergo the rigorous testing of traditional medicines, and they aren't subject to the approval process of the Food and Drug Administration. But a 2007 review of studies concluded that the supplements devil's claw and white willow bark could help reduce back pain. And the remedies Jurek uses--arnica and bromelain--have been shown to reduce swelling. Garlic, ginger, and red pepper are also known to decrease inflammation.
Who Should Try It: Herbs with anti-inflammatory powers can treat plantar fasciitis, back and knee pain, sprains, and muscle stiffness, Piant says. Spicing up your meals is the best and safest way to start. Talk to your doctor before taking any over-the-counter supplements.
I believe in herbs as much as the next chinese practitioner, I just don't connect as well with them...
In other news, TRAINING STARTS SUNDAY!!! (I still believe that I need to be institutionalized for contemplating the full marathon here in Jerusalem but I am ready for the challenge! Bring it! Danielle, put on your game face.) I haven't really been running this week but it was a needed break from hitting the pavement, I biked instead. I hope that I make it thru the training, that's the hard part... And since I have a stalker keeping track of my every move, I guess I can't really let her down, she goes to my school.
Until next time.
Here is an exerpt from the article which you can read in length by clicking on the title above.
The Promise: This ancient Chinese practice involves inserting fine needles in specific areas of the body to improve circulation, restore energy, and promote healing, says Patricia Piant, an acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist at Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Integrative Medicine Program in Glenview, Illinois.
The Science: Research has been controversial, due to the difficulty of creating a placebo effect with needles. But studies have shown that acupuncture stimulates endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, and also increases range of motion.
Who Should Try It: In 1996, the World Health Organization issued a report on the efficacy of acupuncture, saying that it could benefit patients with knee pain, plantar fasciitis, sprains, lower-back pain, and osteoarthritis.

Herbal Remedies
The Promise: Proponents of herbal therapies say that the phytochemicals in plant-based supplements enhance the body's ability to heal itself--rather than just masking symptoms--and can treat muscle and joint pain and swelling.
The Science: Herbal supplements don't undergo the rigorous testing of traditional medicines, and they aren't subject to the approval process of the Food and Drug Administration. But a 2007 review of studies concluded that the supplements devil's claw and white willow bark could help reduce back pain. And the remedies Jurek uses--arnica and bromelain--have been shown to reduce swelling. Garlic, ginger, and red pepper are also known to decrease inflammation.
Who Should Try It: Herbs with anti-inflammatory powers can treat plantar fasciitis, back and knee pain, sprains, and muscle stiffness, Piant says. Spicing up your meals is the best and safest way to start. Talk to your doctor before taking any over-the-counter supplements.
I believe in herbs as much as the next chinese practitioner, I just don't connect as well with them...
In other news, TRAINING STARTS SUNDAY!!! (I still believe that I need to be institutionalized for contemplating the full marathon here in Jerusalem but I am ready for the challenge! Bring it! Danielle, put on your game face.) I haven't really been running this week but it was a needed break from hitting the pavement, I biked instead. I hope that I make it thru the training, that's the hard part... And since I have a stalker keeping track of my every move, I guess I can't really let her down, she goes to my school.
Until next time.
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