Where to begin?
Its been a really long time since I've last written. So much has happened, yet I feel as if nothing has. Life these days is school, work, clinic, sleep, work, work, work... I'm almost at the end of the 1st semester of my last year at Reidman. It feels like it was yesterday when I was a college dropout not knowing what to do with my life and a good friend told me I had to go study Chinese Medicine. Needless to say he was dead on. I do like to brag, I won't lie, so I will tell you that I am one of the more serious students at my school and they say that I will go far in my career in Chinese Medicine. I try not to let it go to my head. I honestly cannot wait for school to be over, I have serious senoritis all over again and its killing me. Mondays classes consisted of me searching for Bed Bath and Beyond products for my Mom to buy me to furnish my new apartment (!!), falling asleep in class sitting in the front row and providing the class party with strawberries and whipped cream. I am looking forward to the second semester of only 1 day a week of class and the clinic. Which by the way, if anyone reads this, is looking for patients, so if anyone is interested in acupuncture treatments for only 50 shekel, please let me know!
Now on to the more exciting news. I am moving!! Thanks to the good Lord above. My new apartment is on Emek Refaim, right on top of the Ne'eman Bakery, which is a real shame now that I am really trying to stay Paleo and all. It is light and airy, with a porch and a great living room. I have my own ensuite bathroom and am looking for a roommate for the second bedroom, preferably male. I've had it with the females. I can't handle the whining, screeching, fighting, dirt, bitchiness. I grew up with brothers, as unpleasant as they can be sometimes, I prefer that over the drama. For the past 2 weeks now, I have been hearing from lots of different people how I should just keep the apartment for myself and make the other room into a clinic. I am debating, its not an easy decision, entails lots of risk taking, but in the end will be worth it. The question is, do I have the time and patience to wait for the long run right now.
Speaking about long runs... My longest run in the last 1/2 year was 3 weeks ago and only 5km. I have not ran farther than that since the last Jerusalem Marathon which was almost a year ago... I miss it every day, inside, but my body thanks me for not causing it more pain than needed. Hopefully I will make it back to the pavement soon. In the meantime, Crossfit has been keeping me in shape and helping me get stronger, as well as yoga. I haven't been to a yoga class in a long time, I think I'll go Thursday morning, its time.

I hope that this has been an enjoyable first entry back and that there are many more coming. I don't know how often, but I will try my best.
Time for dinner with the ladies.
Peace out.
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