Saturdays are my day of rest. Saturdays I barely get out of the house. This Saturday morning Danielle and I went for a run. I remember the days that I would sleep until 1130 Saturday mornings, stumble down to lunch, read a bit and go back to sleep until the evening. I was up this Saturday at 8, I don't know why... I had my coffee, ate some breakfast, read a bit and got ready for our run. I met up with Danielle and we started with some stretches. Now it wouldn't be Israel if some old guy didn't comment on what we were doing and how we were doing it all wrong, since he's a masseure, he knows what he's talking about, I shouldn't punch myself... I'm also a masseuse and the Chinese are violent people... (On a side note, last week I was walking with friends and having a conversation about working out when this guy who was walking in the street near us drinking a beer with his wife while pushing their child in the stroller decided to join in on the conversation. Needless to say, everything he said was completely false, even though he is a personal trainer himself, and I held back from correcting him since obviously it would have been a lost cause. It seems that on Saturdays people are more obnoxious than usual when it should be the opposite. Its Shabbas, give it a break.)
Although we live in Jerusalem the holiest city ever, there were lots of people out and about once we got to Gan Sacher. When we started however, we had the street to ourselves pretty much, except for the one woman who stopped us and thinking she needed directions we complied, only to hear her say "you are osim kosher!" (meaning - you are exercising!) Thank you lady, we didn't realize. We continued on our way and I couldn't understand why I couldn't breathe, my legs were working fine, they didn't hurt and they weren't tired. My nose was stuffed! So that took away from the multitasking of running, breathing and talking. I tried, it just wasn't working. (Now I know how you feel Phelpsy Jr.) We explored a new route, for me at least, past the Central Bus Station and through part of Kiryat Moshe which I strategically made sure that we crossed the street as to not get stoned for desicrating the Holy Sabbath. We then came to familiar ground and made our way back home. It was really nice to see all the people in the Park exercising, playing ball, hanging out, kind of what would be your typical Sunday but on Saturday...
We made it home in decent shape, ate lunch and then Danielle went on her way and I decided to hang out on my porch in the sun. After an hour I came inside and tried to read on the couch a bit but fell asleep after 5 minutes. An hour later I woke up and went over to a friend to study and after 20 minutes fell asleep again for another hour. All this sleep did not prevent me from sleeping well at night and Sunday morning I could hardly get out of bed. I didn't go to the gym, instead I did some yoga (which I am in love with - by the way) and went to work. I went to sleep last night at 10. I don't remember the last time I went to bed at 10pm. I could not keep my eyes open. This morning when my alarm went off at 630 I did not want to get up. Since I had to go to work, I pulled myself out of bed and once I got to work I made myself a big cup of coffee. I am still tired as I am writing this and I would love to just close my eyes for a little longer.
Why am I so tired???
Conclusion: God must be getting back at me for not using Saturday as my day of rest. That seems to be the only logical explanation.
I will try this experiment again this coming Saturday. I will let you know how it goes.
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