So I ran again this Saturday. I woke up early, filled my fuel belt up with Gatorade, slapped on the sunscreen, donned the hat and sunglasses (camouflage) and went to pick up Danielle. I can't say that I was mentally ready for the run but I sure as hell looked the part. We started off walking to the Park and once we got there we started to run. It was already a bit on the hot side and we could tell it wasn't going to be an easy run. The run was going well, no one bothered us with retarded comments and the one couple we spoke to asked us for directions to the Zoo, which as Danielle pointed out, I gave like a real true Israeli - take a left and a right and go straight until the end. Once we got to the Jerusalem Forest I started feeling a little sluggish. It wasn't the lack of fluids, that was pretty much under control, I was drinking. The hills were killing me when the week before that wasn't the problem. Last week I went for acupuncture in school and they really helped me with my lack of energy and the ability to keep my eyes open... but that was the aftermath of the run, not the run itself. So Danielle said something extremely true, that I need to eat meat and not just tehina for my protein and I realized that she is right. I do fluctuate between eating meat and not eating meat and my energy levels are really screaming for meat right now.
When I got home from the run I showered ate some lunch, no meat in it just yet tried to read, slept for 2 hours and studied. Today I woke up feeling like I had run 15km in the blistering heat, which is indeed what I did, so it wasn't that surprising but still not fun. I did some errands and realized that I was starving so for lunch I bought myself a chicken wrap which was delicious and eaten pretty quickly, I will spare you the details. Instead of studying all afternoon I fell asleep at my desk for an hour. Once I woke up, I did some yoga to get my blood flowing and went back to studying. After work I was starving again so this time I went to the supermarket and bought steak burgers. Meat can still be made in a healthy manner, so I just put 2 patties in the oven and cooked them. I made a really nice sandwich with tehina, tomatoes and red onion on pumpernickle bread for the patties and had a great dinner. I have no idea how long this meat rampage will last but it seems to be helping. Last Sunday night I was asleep by now, so we are on a good track.
I don't think I filled you in on my workouts from last week so here it goes. Monday - pretty much 1/2 hr of sprints, which surprisingly enough, went really well until the end, when I thought I was going to die, but that's the point of sprints. I took Tuesday off since the bike just wasn't working out for me. Wednesday I slept in also and went to school where they did wonders and jump-started my system. I walked home from school and Thursday morning I went to the gym and ran 5k increasing the pace from 9kmh to 11.5kmh with the last kilometer being at 11.5kmh, which impressed me. Friday I did the bike for 1.5 hrs since there was a decent movie on the television. Thats the only way I can stay on the bike for that long, if there is something decent to watch...
That's it. Today I took the day off from exercising, just walked to town and back and did a bit of yoga to wake up.
To my readers out there, you don't have to worry about Saturday runs in the near future, they will be put on hold for the next couple of weeks... When they do happen the time is going to change to either 8am or 6pm. I think 6pm is a much better time, but that means not eating too much for lunch, which can be hard to stand by, we'll see.
The Tel Aviv Marathon is in 3 weeks!! Hopefully if I keep up being a carnivore I will be able to run the 1/2 marathon and not just the 10km.

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