Nachal Katlav
We had a great time. First we met Zion who helped us decide which route to take (thankfully Noa took a picture of the map, otherwise I don't think we all would have made it home...), we got ourselves organized. Realized that other than the fridge, Frayda forgot to bring some crucial supplies, but thank god she remembered her neck scarf. May I also point out at this point that Danielle doesn't like hikes, just in case I forget to add it the million other times in which we were reminded of this fact. We started on the black trail, at a nice downhill pace, enjoying nature and marvelling at the fact that it wasn't that hot. We then hit a fork in the road. Which way to turn? I don't know, maybe we should have gone straight on the blue trail but I remembered distinctly that it was black, green, blue, black. After a civilized dispute we turned down the green trail and met a group of counselors preparing the hike for their campers. They were preparing plays about the nachal in which we were hiking and invited us to be their audience, but not before they asked us at least 50x what we were doing in Israel. The plays were funny and informative but the best part was the man who joined us in the audience. Halfway thru the plays I noticed he has this squiggly yellow bracelet on his wrist. I pointed it out to Danielle and Noa who have been sharing a similar stolen bracelet from Danielle's little sister. As we are trying not to laugh out loud the plays have come to an end and Frayda is yelling at the guy next to us: "Excuse me, sir, excuse me? Excuse me! Are you aware that you and her have the same bracelets??" Guy to Noa: "Well, is yours as cool as mine??" At this point they both take off their bracelets and show them to the audience and we have to vote on who has the cooler silly band. I don't think it could have been any funnier. We went on our way, followed the trail which took a turn uphill and Frayda decided that instead of hiking in flipflops, she was going to give it a try barefoot. As we passed a group of other hikers they asked outloud to themselves, 'is she barefoot?' to which we answered, 'yes, yes she is.' That lasted until she decided to sprint to the end of the trail, because, if she already had her heart rate up so high she wanted to use it till the end. We made it to the end, made it home and showered, ate and passed out. Or I should say most of us showered and most of us passed out. Frayda didn't shower but she did pass out on my couch when we were watching a movie later that night. I didn't pass out but I did shower, right when I got home.
Wednesday was a new day. I was a bit sore and a bit tired but my feet were fine. I went for my massage in the morning, worked a bit, gave my clothing for chag to Danielle and Eytan to take to Ramot and proceeded to make my way to Ramot on foot. Running there wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It took me 50 minutes to get there and I was prepared with my running belt filled with frozen gatorade which melted and warmed up by the time I got to my destination but it served me well while I was out there. The heat was semi-bearable. The run was good, my foot hurt a bit on the down hill but not as much as I thought it would. I was sweaty and hungry but I lasted till dinner without biting anyone's head off. (I was first in the shower...) I wasn't even that tired, I could have gone for more. It will be my new route in the winter those mornings I give the exercise group in Ramot, can't wait!
Today I have a 12km run with some intervals thrown in. I hope that I make it to the last bus to Tel Aviv on time...
Next week is Holiday free! Thank god. No more cramping on my style...