But 3 days of eat, pray, sleep have come and gone and I have survived! It wasn't even that difficult. I think I slept more than I ate and prayed, which I obviously needed, but all in all it was a nice, welcomed long weekend of some r&r. Each meal was a little different than the last and most of them were dairy (so that means that I didn't eat much) and light, my favorite was Friday lunch that we boycotted and didn't sit down to eat which was great since Friday night we had yet another meal and we were actually hungry for it. I didn't go for a run on Friday like I thought I might, it was just too awkward to go out in Efrat and run when everyone else wouldn't do such a thing. Instead, I walked the dog 2x a day for 1/2 hour each time and by the time Shabbat afternoon came around she refused to go with me :) so instead of pulling, I let her lead and we went on a totally different route and it was actually quite nice. My foot was still not up to par and I have been using a homeopathic cream and massaging it into my foot 3x a day and after my 1:40 run Saturday night, it feels great. My quads on the other hand, are a bit sore... Thats what happens after not running for a week outside on the hills of Jerusalem. I am really hoping that the track of the Marathon isn't hilly, then it will be a breeze to run since I have been trying my best to tackle all the hills I can, no matter how slow going they end up being. The fact that my foot is better can be attributed to many things, who knows if the cream really helped, the foot massage I could use everyday, 3x a day, for the rest of my life, if my feet hurt or not, (preferably done by someone else...), and I'm sure that taking a rest helped the most. All that combined, I think I'm ready for the crazy schedule I have this week. I have an intense 18km run on Friday and since Saturday is Yom Kippur, I will be running the half marathon on Monday after loading up on food this week...
Where's Danielle when I need her???
I can handle running solo for long runs but to suffer thru the Jerusalem Half Marathon route solo is just depressing. Maybe it will build character...

just wait until wednesday and i will run the half marathon route with you!