I did it. I ran the 21.1km of the half marathon. It was on the treadmill though and it was in 4 segments and it was on 5 hours of sleep and lots of alcohol from the wedding the night before and it was between being at work for 4 hours and then going back to work for another 4 hours. It was intense. I was exhausted. Ask anyone who saw me after, I was a zombie.
Nothing hurt! My back was a little sore and it was hard to get from standing to sitting to standing again but thats just because I was exhausted. My hip was good, my foot was good. I think it has to do with the shoes I was wearing. I have 3 active pairs of running shoes, meaning that I switch off between 3 pairs depending on my mood and what I wore for the previous run, but ever since I have started to pay attention to how my body feels after these long runs I have come to the realization that one pair of shoes makes my hip sore, the other kills my foot and the third, tfoo tfoo knock on wood, doesn't really bother me at all. (Now that I've said something, its going to start to bother me...) Now I just have to keep running with that one pair and I should be good. Its not like I have that long until the marathon, its in a month (!!!!!!!) but I have been thinking of getting a new pair, breaking them in a bit, wearing them for the marathon and then having them plated in gold and put with my first ever pair of shoes, I could make a collection of 1st shoes...
After the half marathon I had 2 days of rest scheduled. It was much needed just because I was exhausted and had no time to fit in runs. I had a full day Tuesday plus a wedding at night and then a full day Wednesday with chag starting at 5 leaving no time for an 80 minute run. I instead went for a run Thursday morning at 730, way before anyone was out and heading to shul, which was kind of nice, I had the streets to myself. I decided to expand my regular route a bit and went to the Central Bus Station and ran on the bridge. There was a guy taking pictures on it as I was up there and I should have asked him to take one of me and send me a copy but I found a picture that looks just like the one he would have been taking (the sun was a bit lower at the time), all you have to do is picture me running down the ramp...

Once I got to the hotel strip on Herzl, I took my regular pit stop and got something to drink since it was pretty hot out already. I continued down to the hospital, took a right and ran down to the botanical garden and home up Azza. As I was getting to my apartment I started to see the lulavs making their way to shul. What I needed was a nice hot shower and some ice cold water. After that was done and I ate some breakfast it was time to go to lunch. Boy was it hot. I brought water with me then...
Today I have a 15km run, done also in 4 segments. 20 min warm up, 3x (4km + 300 m). Next week I'll be doing my runs at night again when its cooler. We had cool weather, for like a day, and then it got hot again...not fun. I want snow!
ONE MONTH FROM TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!! (Then I will officially be a marathoner...)
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