A blog recording the ups and downs of training for a marathon and the races along the way.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
New Year, New Decade, New Resolutions.
The definition of resolution that I find the most fitting for me right now is: "The fineness of detail that can be distinguished in an image". I wish that we would be able to have the clearest of resolution on the image of the next 10 years of our lives. It would certainly make life easier but it would also take the adventure and fun out of what we will experience. Uncertainty is what makes us continue on the journey called life. My resolution for the years to come is a simple one. To always remember that there is a reason for everything, not to get caught up in the small annoying details and to focus on the positive.
Oh, and to run another marathon or 3, of course.
Here is a link to an article about easing back into running after a lay off. I have decided to sit the Jerusalem Marathon out this year. I was training but it was not fun and running is supposed to be fun. I will run the 1/2 marathon and if it doesn't rain tomorrow, eh, even if its raining tomorrow, Danielle and I will be running to the forest in the morning (yay!). So, with a smile and a grimace we will run up hills and I will enjoy the journey only once its over, but at least I know that I will enjoy it.
To a new decade of running, enjoying life, new experiences and to health.
'Till next time, in 2011.
Friday, December 24, 2010
So I ask you, those out there in cyberspace who actually read this: "Where do you get your motivation from?"
Till next time,
Please check out my website: http://www.rachelshealthandfitness.com/
Thursday, December 16, 2010
It's that time of year again...
I don't consider myself a control freak or someone who gets uptight about little things but I do believe that when it comes to a training schedule, especially for a marathon, every run is important especially if you have doubts about the outcome, like I do. Danielle might think that I had a nervous breakdown and she may be right about that but I'm not so sure... I just got annoyed and worried and nervous about maybe not being able to pull off this next run which is in a little less than 4 months. My speed workouts and tempo runs are going great. The long runs are what seems to be the hurdle I need to get over. You would think that after running a marathon any run that is shorter would be a piece of cake, but they aren't. I think I have to sleep more and I won't be as tired or lacking the motivation to go out in the cold and run for 2 hours. This week's long run wasn't so successful. I tried to run on the treadmill but I was sooooo bored and couldn't finish the 16km for many reasons that I won't get into but after running 6 I called it a night and did some weight training and abs. The next worning I woke up a 5am to run a 10km and watch the sunrise, before going to work and then school. It was nice a crisp morning and thankfully I have a great jacket and gloves to keep me warm, making the hour and the feat a lot easier. I still ran my needed weekly mileage so I should be happy about that, and I am, I'm just hoping that from here on out, I can keep to my Sunday, Wednesday, Friday schedule of long run, speed work and tempo runs. Of course Runner's World has a video about running long runs on the treadmill when the weather doesn't allow the sane to run outside. I thought that all marathoners were in-sane but I guess not.
I kind of wish it would snow, I like running in the snow.
Until next time,
Friday, December 3, 2010
Voodoo Chile?
Here is an exerpt from the article which you can read in length by clicking on the title above.
The Promise: This ancient Chinese practice involves inserting fine needles in specific areas of the body to improve circulation, restore energy, and promote healing, says Patricia Piant, an acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist at Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Integrative Medicine Program in Glenview, Illinois.
The Science: Research has been controversial, due to the difficulty of creating a placebo effect with needles. But studies have shown that acupuncture stimulates endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, and also increases range of motion.
Who Should Try It: In 1996, the World Health Organization issued a report on the efficacy of acupuncture, saying that it could benefit patients with knee pain, plantar fasciitis, sprains, lower-back pain, and osteoarthritis.

Herbal Remedies
The Promise: Proponents of herbal therapies say that the phytochemicals in plant-based supplements enhance the body's ability to heal itself--rather than just masking symptoms--and can treat muscle and joint pain and swelling.
The Science: Herbal supplements don't undergo the rigorous testing of traditional medicines, and they aren't subject to the approval process of the Food and Drug Administration. But a 2007 review of studies concluded that the supplements devil's claw and white willow bark could help reduce back pain. And the remedies Jurek uses--arnica and bromelain--have been shown to reduce swelling. Garlic, ginger, and red pepper are also known to decrease inflammation.
Who Should Try It: Herbs with anti-inflammatory powers can treat plantar fasciitis, back and knee pain, sprains, and muscle stiffness, Piant says. Spicing up your meals is the best and safest way to start. Talk to your doctor before taking any over-the-counter supplements.
I believe in herbs as much as the next chinese practitioner, I just don't connect as well with them...
In other news, TRAINING STARTS SUNDAY!!! (I still believe that I need to be institutionalized for contemplating the full marathon here in Jerusalem but I am ready for the challenge! Bring it! Danielle, put on your game face.) I haven't really been running this week but it was a needed break from hitting the pavement, I biked instead. I hope that I make it thru the training, that's the hard part... And since I have a stalker keeping track of my every move, I guess I can't really let her down, she goes to my school.
Until next time.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
What motivates me?

Thursday, November 18, 2010
Runner's high. Addictive?
I have been contemplating running the Jerusalem Half Marathon in March and was planning on keeping up the running, but with less intensity, before starting to train again for another race. And then... someone told me that I should just do the full marathon if I've just done the marathon and running feels good, that I'm in prime shape to do another one in 4 months' time. Plus, I get to be part of history and run the 1st ever Jerusalem Marathon! I live in this city, might as well take part in such a great event. So... I signed up and paid (so that it's official).
Now I have to start training. I have decided to try another method called the FIRST method. Their approach to training is "Less is More", meaning running 3 quality runs per week, each day a different type. Sundays will be my long run days, Wednesdays my speed work and Fridays my tempo runs. Plus 2 days of 45 minutes of cross training and weights (of course)... I think I should be able to keep up with this program with school and all the other things that I do. I will just be administering acupuncture to myself to keep me awake and strong :)
Since the marathon is at the end of March, I don't officially need to start training until December 8th which gives me a good amount of time to get back up to running for an hour and a half. Danielle and I went for a 45 min run Sunday night and it was really good. I decided to sprint up all the uphills without telling her but I think we did well. This Sunday night's run will be a little over an hour and Wednesday will probably have some sprints and Friday a nice short/fast run. There will definitely be hill repeats this time around since there are a million hills that need to be conquered during the marathon itself. I don't even want to talk about the route. Its going to be nice, scenic, historic and LONG. It also cuts back on itself numerous times which I am less thrilled about but in the end it will be a big challenge and thats what I'm looking for. Over the passed week I have come to the conclusion that people should challenge themselves at least once during their life to feel alive and worthy to be living (not necessarily in the form of a marathon). I did it once and it felt great. That runner's high really is an addictive drug. Some people say its dangerous. I say they are just weaklings.
'Till next time.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Back in the game. Almost.
Tonight I will try again and hopefully, Danielle will come with me this time.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Officially Insane :)

As a true Runners World junkie, I had all the to-do's down pat. I set up all my gear for the race the second I got to the hotel to make sure that nothing was missing, the night before the race I did a chceck to make sure it would all be working the next day. I had my breakfast out, my shirt and bib number (F1293) set up, my fuel for the race (Jelly Belly sport beans and my Kidz Clif Bars), at least 2 alarms set up for the morning. I ate my breakfast and got to the transfer bus on time, I knew to go to the bathroom when the lines weren't that long and I wouldn't be stuck right

As the kilometers kept on flying by, I was really happy not to be counting in miles... Every 5km there was a water station and every 8 or so they had sponging stations. At first I had no idea why I had 2 sponges in my race bag and was told to make sure I had them while we were running. I had never encountered them before but the instructions said that they were for sanitary reasons. At a certain point they turned out to be really refreshing when I wanted to wash the sweat off my face. After the half way point they started offerring Powerade and food at each "fuel" station. The clementine wedges really got me thru each 5km after that. At one point I had either caught up or slowed down (I'm not really sure anymore) to these 2 guys who were running together in matching outfits and we would keep passing each other, either they would pass me or I would pass them. This usually happened when we came upon the uphill parts to the race. There weren't that many and they weren't steep at all, but this is where I attributed my training in Jerusalem to beating everyone up the hills to. When I would see a hill coming, I would slow down a bit right before we hit the hill and then sprint up to the otherside and get back into my running/walking pace. This is where everyone else around me would be walking up the hill and staring at me like I had 3 heads for having the energy to spring the up hill. The truth was, I found the hills so much easier than the flat parts, I could see the end and that motivated me to go quicker. On the flat ground, there was no end, it just kept going and going and going (like the energizer bunny)...
Almost everyone along the way had headphones with them and there were certain times during the run that I was happy I had brought my nano along and had it tuned to my classic rock playlist, but most of the time I wasn't really using it. Since we started at least 37km outside of Venice, we had all these little towns to run thru and in each town's main street (picture one block with maybe 5 stores - something even smaller than Raritan Ave and our million ice cream stores and hairdresser/nail salons), there were bands set up. The first one we came across was when I was running with Fiona, I was like - hey! they're playing The Rolling Stones! - it was very exciting. There was some other guy singing U2 and Bob Marley, you had Sting and the Police.

Now the bridge that goes from Mestre to Venice is 3km long, all flat. It was the longest 3 km I have ever run. I thought it would never end. At the end tho, there was a nice uphill bridge that took us to the 13 bridges that had been installed so that we could have a fairly straight route to the end of the race thru St. Marco's Square. Before I made it to the longest bridge I came across this girl, who I had seen here and there while I was running (I think she was the only other person running that was near my age, everyone else was sooo much older), who was walking and crying. There was another women trying to comfort her and encourage her to keep on going but the girl (I never got her name, unfortunately) had just run the Berlin Marathon the month before and had thought that she could handle another marathon so soon but her body was telling her otherwise, her quads were totally cramping up and she could hardly bend her knees and she thought that she was going to puke. So I slowed down as well to see if I could help in anyway, fortunately, earlier in the run I hadn't listened to my parents' preachings and had taken candy from a stranger and put it in my pocket. It looked like a mint and I figured that if other people

I had gotten my mom a seat in the spectator stands so that she could see the finish easily. It wasn't hard to spot her in my Nike hat and her white hair. She saw me right away and I heard her screaming, "Rachel! You did it!" It was over and I was ready for it to be over. Once we found each other at the end and I got something to drink and I got my finisher's medal (its really heavy, btw), there were massage tables set up with therapists and this long line of sweaty people waiting for massages. Right next to them there was this electrode station where they set up this machine of 4 patches that pump electrodes into your muscles and vibrate them for 20 minutes so that they loosen up and the blood flows better. It was a little weird but it worked. I'm just sorry we couldn't stay long enough for them to do my whole body. For 2 days after I couldn't fully extend my back it was too sore and it wasn't that pleasant walking up and down stairs. I

Now that I am back and it has been a week since I ran the marathon, it feels like years ago, I will be taking it easy for this month running wise, I'll probably run once or twice a week outside and the rest of the time I'll cross and strength train back at the gym. I think that my next big race will be the Jerusalem Half Marathon in March, there is no way I am running a full marathon here, I may like hills better than flat ground but not 42km of hills, I'm not that insane.
Until next time...
Friday, October 8, 2010
Now, what y'all've been waiting for...
Here is my past week's training schedule
My 1st Marathon 2010 – Week n. 14
Monday, October 4
20’ slow running
3’ stretching
5 x (5 half squats / 100 mt skipping / 100 mt knee lifts /100 mt strides)
15’ run
Tuesday, October 5
Wednesday, October 6
5 x (15’ run / 2’ walking)
Thursday, October 7
Friday, October 8
20’ slow run
3’ stretching
10 x 100 m strides
3 x (3 km slow running / 2 km medium speed run)
Saturday, October 9
Sunday, October 10
4 x (30’ run / 5’ walk)
The runs this week have been done with Danielle (!) or alone with my music. Sunday, which is not up there, we ran an hour and a half, up lots of hills and we survived. It was a lot easier than we thought. The funny thing is that all the other runs that I had this week that required hills were really easy to do too... Thankfully the course is pretty flat. Monday I ran a bit and did the intervals than ran home, got ready for yet another wedding, ran home and got ready for football practice. Although Tuesday was a rest day I was working on my feet from 630am to 9pm. I think I fell asleep for about 20 minutes sometime during the day. Wednesday morning I was supposed to run at 630 with Danielle. She asked me to call her when I woke up, which I did promptly at 6 to which her reponse was "No.". So I went back to sleep for an hour and went out for the run at 730. I pretty much the same route we did on Sunday just in the reverse order with some detours. I was so stiff when I started out, and tired but, it went well. The weather has taken a great turn around and I wish it could be like this all year. I hope that its like this in Italy the day of the marathon.
Today is Friday, which means many things. Most importantly that I have a crazy run to do before Shabbas starts and since I am having at least 13 people over for dinner I have to make sure my run is done in time. I don't have any busses to catch but I do have an apartment to organize and make sure its clean and presentable and that all the food tastes good. Thankfully yesterday wasn't too busy. I had a client at 630 and from the gym I went straight to the shuk. I love being there when I can walk around freely and talk to the vendors while they are unloading the produce. I was in and out within 15 minutes got home and cooked everything by 12. Brian supplied me with a soup recipe that I'm sure came out great. It was Chevi's birthday this week so I think it calls for a celebration with some wine and amazing chocolate liquor that I have... Too bad there's no whiskey.
Sunday is going to be another independent half marathon day. Should be interesting. I will be taking my water, sport beans and camera. Kind of like a trial run, just half the distance...
Holy Crap.
When's the marathon?
Are you ready?
What's the course like?
Are you really going to run the whole thing?
Isn't a marathon only 10km?
Enough already!
I have not run yet.
The marathon is in 2 weeks.
I am in denial that it is taking place.
The course is pretty flat with the exception of 14 bridges that surround Venice that we are apparently running over.
I'll probably run/walk the whole thing, more emphasis on the run part. I will be running with a camera, so I hope that the pictures don't come out blurry.
No, a full marathon is 42 km. Nothing less. Anything else is called by its name (ie. half marathon, 10k, 5k races.)
October 25th will be after the marathon. Then you can all ask me how it was.
MY next question will be: What now?
Thursday, September 30, 2010
You crazy, Girl!

Nachal Katlav
We had a great time. First we met Zion who helped us decide which route to take (thankfully Noa took a picture of the map, otherwise I don't think we all would have made it home...), we got ourselves organized. Realized that other than the fridge, Frayda forgot to bring some crucial supplies, but thank god she remembered her neck scarf. May I also point out at this point that Danielle doesn't like hikes, just in case I forget to add it the million other times in which we were reminded of this fact. We started on the black trail, at a nice downhill pace, enjoying nature and marvelling at the fact that it wasn't that hot. We then hit a fork in the road. Which way to turn? I don't know, maybe we should have gone straight on the blue trail but I remembered distinctly that it was black, green, blue, black. After a civilized dispute we turned down the green trail and met a group of counselors preparing the hike for their campers. They were preparing plays about the nachal in which we were hiking and invited us to be their audience, but not before they asked us at least 50x what we were doing in Israel. The plays were funny and informative but the best part was the man who joined us in the audience. Halfway thru the plays I noticed he has this squiggly yellow bracelet on his wrist. I pointed it out to Danielle and Noa who have been sharing a similar stolen bracelet from Danielle's little sister. As we are trying not to laugh out loud the plays have come to an end and Frayda is yelling at the guy next to us: "Excuse me, sir, excuse me? Excuse me! Are you aware that you and her have the same bracelets??" Guy to Noa: "Well, is yours as cool as mine??" At this point they both take off their bracelets and show them to the audience and we have to vote on who has the cooler silly band. I don't think it could have been any funnier. We went on our way, followed the trail which took a turn uphill and Frayda decided that instead of hiking in flipflops, she was going to give it a try barefoot. As we passed a group of other hikers they asked outloud to themselves, 'is she barefoot?' to which we answered, 'yes, yes she is.' That lasted until she decided to sprint to the end of the trail, because, if she already had her heart rate up so high she wanted to use it till the end. We made it to the end, made it home and showered, ate and passed out. Or I should say most of us showered and most of us passed out. Frayda didn't shower but she did pass out on my couch when we were watching a movie later that night. I didn't pass out but I did shower, right when I got home.
Wednesday was a new day. I was a bit sore and a bit tired but my feet were fine. I went for my massage in the morning, worked a bit, gave my clothing for chag to Danielle and Eytan to take to Ramot and proceeded to make my way to Ramot on foot. Running there wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It took me 50 minutes to get there and I was prepared with my running belt filled with frozen gatorade which melted and warmed up by the time I got to my destination but it served me well while I was out there. The heat was semi-bearable. The run was good, my foot hurt a bit on the down hill but not as much as I thought it would. I was sweaty and hungry but I lasted till dinner without biting anyone's head off. (I was first in the shower...) I wasn't even that tired, I could have gone for more. It will be my new route in the winter those mornings I give the exercise group in Ramot, can't wait!
Today I have a 12km run with some intervals thrown in. I hope that I make it to the last bus to Tel Aviv on time...
Next week is Holiday free! Thank god. No more cramping on my style...
Friday, September 24, 2010
Pass the weak, hurdle the dead.

Once I got to the hotel strip on Herzl, I took my regular pit stop and got something to drink since it was pretty hot out already. I continued down to the hospital, took a right and ran down to the botanical garden and home up Azza. As I was getting to my apartment I started to see the lulavs making their way to shul. What I needed was a nice hot shower and some ice cold water. After that was done and I ate some breakfast it was time to go to lunch. Boy was it hot. I brought water with me then...
Today I have a 15km run, done also in 4 segments. 20 min warm up, 3x (4km + 300 m). Next week I'll be doing my runs at night again when its cooler. We had cool weather, for like a day, and then it got hot again...not fun. I want snow!
ONE MONTH FROM TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!! (Then I will officially be a marathoner...)
Monday, September 13, 2010
At first I was afraid, I was petrified...

Monday, September 6, 2010
"My method does not use the long-slow running method. What we've been working on doing is building up your body so that your muscles are stronger and more elastic. In the following weeks we're adding intervals and a little longer distance, but the furthest you will run is on the 10th of October where I'll give you a two and a half hour workout. That said, in the ten years we've done this program, everybody that toed the line made it to the finish. With great times even."
I am usually not this skeptical but as a true Koenigson and true to being my Father's daughter, I go with my gut and my gut is telling me that something about this whole story is a little off. Maybe its just my nerves talking and telling me that I am crazy for contemplating a full marathon. Truth be told, I have improved my speed, I ran a kilometer in 5:12 minutes (11.5km/h!) at the end of a hard workout last week, even with my foot hurting. I am trying to keep an open mind and trust those who are leading me, hopefully, to the finish line.
I ran yesterday for the first time in a week, its slow going, still a little sore in the foot but much better. Some more acupuncture in the palm of my hand and I am hoping that my foot will be all cured. (No, that was not a joke, and yes, it hurts like a bitch.)
In the spirit of the new year, ×—×’ שמח ×•×©× ×” טובה!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Life in a sauna
I now train at night, once the sun has gone down and its not boring into my skin. I didn't get to the track this week but I did run in Gan Sacher and its really cool to see all the people who are there to run. It makes it a much more enjoyable experience when you know that there are people around you suffering through a workout and sweating as much as you are. It seems that just by stepping out of my apartment I lose 2lbs in sweat. Like I said, gross. I ran Monday's session in the Vibrams and other than my feet being sore, I felt great! No back pain, no knee pain, no hip pain. I'm really starting to like them and get into the new gait but inorder to prevent stress fractures in my feet, I have to be patient. I'm not that patient of a person...
Check out this article: http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/baring-it-all-the-barefoot-running-trend-2337336/ I can see this becoming sooooo addicting. Thankfully, they are cheaper than running shoes and don't need to be replaced every 700km.
Let us hope that the weather will lighten up a lot. Please.
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010
The Italians can be brutal...
That all said, the Italians are trying to kill me. I ran at least 30km already this week and have another 12 today and probably that many on Sunday. Each week I get the workout for the following week and they aren't easy but they make me feel good. I will try and upload the links to the workouts each week so that you can see how I am suffering :)
4 runs a week, with a day of swimming thrown in there and lots of time on my feet.
Now all I have to do is book a flight and hotel in Italy and I'll be all set!
First week's training:
Second week's training:
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
It has begun...

Friday, June 25, 2010
Guess who just got back today...
Sunday, June 13, 2010
What can I say?

Sunday, May 16, 2010
Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv

Friday, May 7, 2010
One Week.
I feel like I haven't been running enough. I don't know why, because I have, but it just seems that these Saturday runs are throwing me off balance. Truth is, I love running on Saturdays. I'm rested, there's hardly anyone out and about and the pollution isn't as suffocating. Last week I experimented with running at around 630 pm when it was a lot cooler and I had slept about 14 hrs the night before. I went for a 17km run, pretty good for 2 weeks before the half marathon. It was nice to run with the sun setting and the wind blowing and not dying of heat stroke. Danielle was away for the weekend, so this last run was solo. I got home right as Shabbat was ending, perfect timing. And you know what, I wasn't as tired this week, from the long run at least. Tired from lack of sleep is a different type of tired.
The Tel Aviv Marathon is next Friday. I'll also be running that race solo, but with another 2000 strangers... I better make a good playlist. The 2 weeks before the race are time for tapering down on mileage and for upping carbohydrate intake. I have been doing both... This week I ran 2x, A tempo 4.5 km run, in 24 minutes and a 7k easy morning run on Wednesday with Danielle. Today I'll be doing the bike and some sprints. Next week I'll do a 10k on Monday and that will be it for running. I have been piling on the pasta as well. Not too much, but more than I would normally have.
Next week I will be running with the shirt we made for Noa! I'll try and post pictures...
Now its 6 months till Venice. Time to start training for a full marathon!
Have a great weekend, mine will be restful, no running this time.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Mmmm... Meat.

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Crime and Punishment

Monday, April 12, 2010
Got Inspiration?
Monday, March 22, 2010
Some technical difficulties...
I also promised some links to hip exercises and stretches. Most of my information is taken from Runnersworld.com which anyone can go to and search and find some great running tips. If there are other websites you swear by as I swear by this one, let me know.
Hip strengthening exercises. (Just click)
Hope that they help!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I think we need to take a break...
I was so pumped and full of energy the day of the race. I had cancelled my registration 2 days before as a precaution so that I couldn't officially run. The day of the race I made sure not to wear the right running shoes nor a sports bra. I was still so pumped. I went to pick up Danielle and I was definitely more pumped than she was, it took her most of the walk to the start of the race to get excited. I made sure that we had everything, or at least that Danielle had everything she needed. I was going to be spending the 2hrs waiting for her to come back studying for my test the next day. The only thing I forgot was sunscreen, it was raining for christ's sake that morning, who would have thought I would get to school looking like a tomatoe! On the way we stopped for coffee, which helped a little to wake Danielle up. We walked part of the race to get to the start, so that helped some more in getting the adrenaline flowing. We got stuck in a downpour but kept on going, getting even more pumped. We got to the stadium where the race was starting and there was a lot going on. Danielle took advantage of the port-a-potties and in the process almost got accosted by some idiot who didn't understand that red meant there was someone inside and that the door was locked for a reason. The funny thing about that was that the same guy took our picture later on with Shneller before the race started, reinforcing my original assessment of his idiocy. I was not the one to ask him to take the picture, that was Shneller.

The part of the story that can be found amusing is that we didn't tell Noa we were running with the shirts, it was a suprise. Then I got really nervous that she would be mad at us for making the shirts in the first place, its not like we didn't have one for her, but maybe she would be offended by what we chose to write on them... When we were all dressed we got many compliments on our endeavor, people didn't seem to think that it was offensive, or at least they didn't tell us to our faces. We took pictures, obviously, and I will post them as soon as I get them. Then Shneller wanted to get pictures with us, but that made me even more anxious, "she's going to tell Noa before we get a chance to!" so we told her that she had to keep the shirts a secret. So we have everything on file and I was so nervous about letting Noa know that we said we would ask her mom if she thought that we should tell her about the shirts. I don't think it got around to that, since Danielle told Noa that night and Noa just laughed in her face. So, phew. All that pressure and being nervous, for nothing. We will gladly and proudly wear the shirts in each race that we participate in in 2010.
Photographer: Noa Buchman
Sporting my fuel belt...
We all came out happy!